Rea Amit – The Legend of Prince Rama and the Emergence of an Indian Animé: A Japanese Mediation of the Sanskrit Epic

Introduction In February 2019, a few months before the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak, the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) organized a two-day event, the Indian Gaming Show, which took place at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. The event showcased the latest developments in the Indian video gaming industry and hosted international representatives of gaming and animation industries […]

Sheuo Hui Gan – The Transformation of the Teenage Image in Oshii Mamoru’s The Sky Crawlers

The postwar emergence of manga and anime as mass media directed at children emphasized the importance of shōjo and shōnen (boys and girls) characters that encouraged its targeted audience to achieve easy identification. As teenagers gradually became the intended key audience, an increasing range of imagined lives were displayed in these visual narratives. From the […]

Sheuo Hui Gan – To Be or Not to Be – Anime: The Controversy in Japan over the “Anime” Label

Outside Japan, anime is mainly used as a term referring to animation made in Japan. Inside Japan though, the word “anime,” an abbreviated pronunciation of animation in Japanese has been used widely as an abbreviation for all animation. However, despite the escalating popularity and attention in the worldwide media, the meaning and usage of the […]

Michael Broderick – Superflat Eschatology

Renewal and Religion in anime “For at least some of the Superflat people […] there is a kind of traumatic solipsism, even an apocalyptic one, that underlies the contemporary art world as they see it.” Thomas Looser, 2006 “Perhaps one of the most striking features of anime is its fascination with the theme of apocalypse.” […]

Sheuo Hui Gan – The Newly Developed Form of Ganime and its Relation to Selective Animation1 for Adults in Japan

Ganime is a new corporate project to develop the features of selective animation to provide a more flexible category of anime. Ganime was created jointly by Toei Animation and the publisher Gentosha. The overall project is to promote auteurism in animation by encouraging creators to have the freedom to exercise their imagination instead of conforming […]

Caroline Ruddell – Breaking Boundaries: The Representation of Split Identity in Anime

This article addresses the representation of unstable identity in examples of anime. Split identities in the cinema generally (live action and animation) are often indicative of specific cultural concerns or perhaps mediate contemporary attitudes towards issues of identity in society; the dichotomy that is often apparent in the animation discussed in this paper is that […]