Melanie Hani, Roberta Bernabei & Antonia Liguori – The Good Hearts Model (GHM): an investigation into the extension of animation therapy; the GHM method with Digital Storytelling and Jewellery

Made with Love: Mediating the use of Animation when tackling Bereavement In 2006 at St Benedict’s hospice, Sunderland (UK), a pilot project was undertaken to investigate the effectiveness of using animation practice (creating films and working through the preproduction process; creating the necessary artwork leading to a film) to tackle issues surrounding and relating to […]

Heather L. Holian – Art, Animation and the Collaborative Process

Imagine for a moment, the city of Rome in 1510. Here, the Renaissance painter Raphael is in the process of carrying out the most important commission of his career, and consequently, one of the most famous projects in the history of Western art—the fresco decoration of the Pope’s private apartments in the Vatican. If we […]

Paul Wells – Battlefields for the Undead

Stepping Out of the Graveyard I will be forever grateful to be asked to deliver the keynote address at the ‘Animated Dialogues’ Conference in Melbourne in June 2007. My survey of the field of Animation Studies in the current period – ‘Battlefields for the Undead : Re-assessing Animation Studies and other Romantic Interludes’ – inevitably […]