Cátia Peres – Liberated worlds: Construction of meaning in the universes of Hayao Miyazaki

  Making sense of the real world and creating a fictional world I like the expression “lost possibilities.” To be born means being compelled to choose an era, a place, and a life. To exist here, now means to lose the possibility of being countless other potential selves. (Miyazaki 1996, p. 306) From a cognitive […]

Cátia Peres – Out of Gravity: Physics in animation and in the films of Hayao Miyazaki

Historical context on physics, physicality and behaviour From an historical point of view, physics played a role in animation when defying the laws of physics and physicality since its inception. When Émile Cohl brought Fantasmagorie (1908) to the screen, the world witnessed a figure on a black screen transforming its shape and its physicality, floating […]